Saturday, January 11, 2014

LGBT Women's News: Marsha Hunt Pens 'Here's To All Who Love' Gay Rights Anthem

The Huffington Post  |  By 

Marsha Hunt is a 95-year-old actress who rose to prominence in the 1940s and is the subject of an upcoming documentary, titled "Marsha Hunt's Sweet Adversity."
As a part of this documentary, the actress has written a beautiful and enchanting song about love and marriage equality for same-sex couples, titled "Here's To All Who Love."
In the above clip, Bill A. Jones of "Glee" fame performs the tune in front of Hunt and an intimate crowd, claiming that the song is one he predicts will be "sung for many years to come at weddings all over the globe."
Listen to the song above, and head here for more information surrounding the documentary about Hunt's life or to contribute to the project.
(h/t Boy Culture and Towleroad)

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